Inmate Lookup

Inmate Detail - Webster, Malik Monta

Demographic Information

  • Webster, Malik Monta
  • 48208
  • 20
  • Male
  • African American
  • 5' 9"
  • 130.0 lbs

Booking History


  • 1/1/2025 6:27 PM
  • $0.00
  • $0.00
Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount
2025-00000011 No Bond $0.00
2025-00000126 No Bond $0.00
Charges Court Date Court Court Room
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1/2/2025 8:15 AM Chesapeake *GDV
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1/6/2025 10:05 AM Chesapeake *GDC
6, 7, 8 1/8/2025 8:15 AM Chesapeake *GDV
6, 7, 8 1/10/2025 10:05 AM Chesapeake *GDC
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3/6/2025 10:00 AM Chesapeake *GDC
6, 7, 8 3/6/2025 10:00 AM Chesapeake *GDC
Number Charge Description Offense Date Crime Class Arresting Agency Attempt/Commit
8 Conspire to wearing of mask or hoods to conceal identiity 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony
7 Conspire Abduct by force without justification 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony
6 Abduct by force without justification 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony
5 Carry loaded firearm in certain localities 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Misdemeanor
2 Wearing of masks or hoods to conceal identity 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony
3 Firearm use in commission of felony - first offense 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony
4 18.2-22 18.2-58 ROBBERY USING A FIREARM CONSPIRACY 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony
1 ROBBERY: USING A FIREARM 1/1/2025 12:00 AM Felony