Bond Number | Bond Type | Bond Amount |
2024-00003958 | No Bond | $0.00 |
2024-00003959 | No Bond | $0.00 |
2024-00007610 | Nolle Pross | $0.00 |
Charges | Court Date | Court | Court Room |
7 | 7/3/2024 9:30 AM | Chesapeake | *GDV |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 7/9/2024 10:00 AM | Chesapeake | *GDC |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 9/4/2024 10:00 AM | Chesapeake | *GDC |
7 | 11/4/2024 9:30 AM | Virginia Beach | *CC |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 11/6/2024 10:00 AM | Chesapeake | *GDC |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 12/18/2024 10:00 AM | Chesapeake | *GDC |
7 | 1/28/2025 11:10 AM | Virginia Beach | *CC |
1, 2, 3 | 3/3/2025 9:00 AM | Chesapeake | *CC |
7 | 3/17/2025 9:00 AM | Virginia Beach | *CC |
Number | Charge Description | Offense Date | Crime Class | Arresting Agency | Attempt/Commit |
7 | Probation violation - Felony | 12/13/2023 12:00 AM | Felony | ||
1 | Convicted felon (non-violent w/in 10 yr.) possess firearm, etc. | 7/2/2024 12:00 AM | Felony | ||
4 | Sell, etc., Schedule I/II drug while possessing firearm | 7/2/2024 12:00 AM | Felony | ||
5 | Sell, poss. w/intent, distribute, etc. - second conviction | 7/2/2024 12:00 AM | Felony | ||
2 | Possession Schedule I or II drug | 7/2/2024 12:00 AM | Felony | ||
3 | Possession Schedule I or II drug | 7/2/2024 12:00 AM | Felony | ||
6 | Fail to stop for police, attempt to escape or elude | 7/2/2024 12:00 AM | Misdemeanor |