12 |
Sale for profit |
3/19/2024 10:19 PM |
Felony |
11 |
Sale for profit |
3/19/2024 10:19 PM |
Felony |
10 |
Sell, distribute, PWI, etc., - over 5 pounds |
3/19/2024 10:17 PM |
Felony |
9 |
Sell, etc., Schedule I/II drug while possessing firearm |
3/19/2024 10:16 PM |
Felony |
8 |
Sell, etc., Schedule I/II drug while possessing firearm |
3/19/2024 10:15 PM |
Felony |
7 |
Sell, etc., more than 1 lb. marijuana while possessing firearm |
3/19/2024 10:14 PM |
Felony |
6 |
Convicted felon (violent) possess/transport firearm |
3/19/2024 10:13 PM |
Felony |
5 |
Intentionally, damage/destroy any property or monument < $1000 |
3/16/2024 12:00 AM |
Misdemeanor |
4 |
Intentionally, damage/destroy any property or monument < $1000 |
3/16/2024 12:00 AM |
Misdemeanor |
3 |
Disregard police command to stop, endangerment |
3/16/2024 12:00 AM |
Felony |
2 |
Sell, distribute, PWI, over 1/2 ounce but not over 5 pounds |
3/16/2024 12:00 AM |
Felony |
1 |
Possession w/intent to sell, distribute, etc. |
3/16/2024 12:00 AM |
Felony |